If ‘symptoms’ have taken over your life, you've come to the right place!
• Do you leak when you sneeze, cough, laugh, or exercise?
• Do you have accidents before you make it to the restroom?
• Do you experience pain during intercourse?
• Do you experience pelvic pain/discomfort when sitting for extended periods of time?
• Do you experience pain transitioning from sitting to standing?
• Are you pregnant and experiencing back or pelvic pain?
• Are you pregnant and wondering which exercises are safe for you and your belly/baby?
• Did you just have a baby and are wondering how you can safely recover/resume exercising?
It's time to live your life without worrying about pain/strain, incontinence and other ailments associated with physical dysfunction.
Doctor Denise Jagroo (PT, DPT, MTC, WCS) has more than 22 years of experience working with patients to develop personalized care programs for a variety of conditions.
To provide her patients with a full continuum of care, Dr. Jagroo (a national and international speaker), blends education and research with an assortment of proven traditional and innovative physical therapy treatments. In addition, she assists patients in coordinating care with other healthcare professionals.
Dr. Jagroo specializes in providing patient-centered treatment for Pelvic, Obstetric and Orthopedic pain and dysfunction. After performing a comprehensive evaluation on each of her patients, Dr. Jagroo provides them with an individualized plan that will continue to be refined as progress is made.
Dr. Jagroo’s mission is to assist patients with their rehabilitation, so that they may recover quickly, and happily return to their independent lifestyle.
Check out her book, "Your Best Pregnancy: The Ultimate Guide to Easing the Aches, Pains and Uncomfortable Side Effects During Each Stage of Your Pregnancy" available now on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com!